Clinic in South East England: Reviews

Private Healthcare Reviews provides the "word of mouth" that can help you to make the right choice of clinic. Choose from the list below to read reviews of clinic in South East England. You can also "Write a Review" of clinic in South East England, if you would like to share your experience with others.


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Deborah McManners Allergey Clinic

" Myself and my family have used St James over the l...

Active Health Clinic

" Been visiting Active Health since it opened a few ...

Alison Cadinouche Physiotherapy Clinic

" Alison did a great job and the problem has gone aw...

The West Moors Chiropractic Clinic

" Symptoms have reduced by 80percent


The London Skin Clinic

" I went to The London Skin Clinic to get second opi...

Chelsea Natural Health Clinic

" Julie Day is the most wonderful Podiatrist. She h...

The Plumstead Osteopathic Clinic

" After visiting another Osteopath 3 times and suffe...

Karen Newton Reflexology Clinic

" I see Karen regularly and she always provides exce...

Paula Winston Homeopathy Clinic

" My 3 year old daughter was suffering every night b...

Southcote Chiropractic Clinic

" Georgia Young is a great addition to this practice...

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