Private Hospital in South West England: Reviews

Private Healthcare Reviews provides the "word of mouth" that can help you to make the right choice of private hospital. Choose from the list below to read reviews of private hospital in South West England. You can also "Write a Review" of private hospital in South West England, if you would like to share your experience with others.


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Duchy Hospital
Duchy Hospital

(33 reviews)

" I can't recommend this surgery at the Duchy in Cor...

Winfield Hospital - Ramsay Health Care UK

" The rooms are very spacious and the bed in comfort...

New Hall Hospital - Ramsay Health Care UK

" Had Patient specific total knee replacement. opera...

Mount Stuart Hospital - Ramsay Health Care UK

" 10 years of misery came to an end thanks to Mr Cun...

Nuffield Health Cheltenham Hospital

" The first thing I noticed was the extremely thorou...

Nuffield Health Exeter Hospital

" Recently had ACDFsurgery with Mr Khan, l can't pra...

The Ridgeway Hospital - part of Circle Health Group

" Please allow me to compliment all at the Ridgeway ...

The Kingston Wing
The Kingston Wing

(1 reviews)

" I had barely 36hours in the hospital but the care ...

Nuffield Health Bournemouth Hospital

" I had an MRI and Xray and still have not got a cop...

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