Private Hospital in Wales: Reviews

Private Healthcare Reviews provides the "word of mouth" that can help you to make the right choice of private hospital. Choose from the list below to read reviews of private hospital in Wales. You can also "Write a Review" of private hospital in Wales, if you would like to share your experience with others.


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Cardiff Bay Hospital

" This was the first time I have decided to seek hel...

Werndale Hospital - part of Circle Health Group

" I had a total hip replacement in January 2021, the...

Spire Cardiff Hospital

" Excellent quality of care both pre and post op. Op...

Spire Yale Hospital
St Joseph`s Hospital
Bridgend Clinic
Bridgend Clinic

(0 reviews)

Royal Gwent Hospital
St Mary's Hospital
St Mary's Hospital

(0 reviews)

Nucleus Healthcare
Nucleus Healthcare

(0 reviews)

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